


 Rescue III - Advanced

Urban H.A.R.T.


Advanced Vertical / Confined Space Rescue
40 Hour Training Program
Prerequisite: Rescue I and Rescue II

Photo: Students The Rescue III prepares students with the latest advancements in the technical rescue field and exposes students to the real-world considerations faced at any vertical or confined space rescue scene. The primary focus of the class is on the application of all the vertical and confined space rescue techniques. The course offers an in-depth review of the Rescue section (sec. k) and all related portions of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146, the confined space regulation. Team dynamics and development are discussed, as well as, the Search and Rescue preplan, victim evaluation and patient assessment (as major considerations in any plan development).
Advanced rescue techniques include: multiple and complex anchoring systems, increased mechanical advantage hauling systems, the latest descending equipment, specialized equipment developed for confined space rescue and confined space rescue operations. Students will also learn tyrolean theory, application and functions in practical rescue situations. The students will be required to participate in various rescue scenarios and their performance will be evaluated. A written evaluation will be required of each student. Each student must demonstrate proficiency in performance of all rescue techniques in the field exercises.
Learn more background information about our training methods and safety procedures for each Urban H.A.R.T. Training Program.

Rescue III instruction covers:

Equipment Familiarization
Rescue Knots/Knot Application
Overview: OSHA Confined SpaceCall Now to Register
Entrant &Attendant Procedures
Search and Rescue Procedures
Rescue &Preplan Procedures
Medical Considerations
Ventilation &Air Monitoring
Basic/Advanced Anchoring Systems
Advanced Hauling Systems
Litter Raising and Lowering
Tyrolean Theory
Tyrolean Application Exercise
Vertical Rescue Scenario
Confined Space Rescue Scenario

Urban H.A.R.T., Inc.



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During this phase of rescue training, eleven rescue knots will be examined. The focus of the examination is on strength, application, utilization and proper tying methods. Students will learn what makes a rescue knot and why these knots are used in rescue operations.


During this phase of training, the OSHA regulations covering authorized entrants and attendants will be thoroughly reviewed. OSHA regulations state anyone entering a permit required confined space shall be trained in the procedures set forth in regulation 29 CFR 1910.146. OSHA regulations cover not only normal workers who enter confined spaces, but also lays out requirements for rescue and emergency service personnel in confined spaces. The discussion of entrant and attendant procedures will cover all regulations pertaining to or referenced by 29 CFR 1910.146.


The regulations governing employee and contracted rescue services will be reviewed in accordance with OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.146 and proposed revisions contained in Federal Register No. 59:60735-60739. Due to hazardous conditions and technical procedures involved in conducting rescue operations in confined spaces, OSHA requires written preplans for each permit required confined space. OSHA mandates rescue training be conducted in accordance with site specific conditions including: operations, size, shape and configuration of the confined space.


Because of the threat of hazardous atmospheric conditions, ventilation in confined spaces during rescue operations is absolutely essential. In fact, the proper use of ventilation equipment can greatly enhance the rescue operation. Conversely, the improper use of ventilation equipment could be fatal. During this phase of training the proper use of ventilation equipment will be explored and utilized during all scenarios.
Air monitors and air monitoring procedures will be reviewed according to manufacturer's recommendations for various models. OSHA has required a procedure for air monitoring in confined spaces, and these procedures will be followed throughout every training exercise.


During this phase of training, the proper use of advanced hauling systems will discussed. Advanced hauling systems increase mechanical advantage by integrating multiple hauling systems into a larger complete system. Each type of hauling system will be demonstrated students must complete exercises using them. The hauling systems will also be integrated into dual vertical and horizontal retrieval and lowering.


During this phase of training, Tyrolean systems (also known as highlines) will be examined. The focus is proper use of the Tyrolean system and when and where to use one. The training covering the actual rescue system include: Tyrolean tensioning, single and double systems and safety systems to use with operational Tyroleans. Tyroleans are basically a lateral movement to overcome obstacles, are usually easy to assemble once the basic concepts are understood but can take a significant amount of time to erect. These Tyrolean systems will then be used in rescue scenarios to ensure that students become proficient in overcoming on-site challenges.


Along the same lines as the Vertical Rescue Scenarios, a series of confined space rescue scenarios will challenge not only technical rescue skills in a confined space but also adherence to OSHA, ANSI and NIOSH regulations. The focus in this section of the training program is safe and effective operations in Permit Required Confined spaces. Again, every scenario will be evaluated by an experienced Instructor and critiqued for student adherence to safety procedures, students application of rescue systems, proper use of equipment, proper and effective use of the incident command system and team development.

About Our Training Programs...

Urban H.A.R.T., Inc. training programs are the most comprehensive training programs currently offered by any company. We teach state of the art techniques that have proven themselves in real world rescues. Further, our programs place the the student in an environment that simulates actual rescue situations. We deliver each training program with a small student to instructor ratio to maximize hands-on instruction. Learning in intense real world derived situations enables each student to truly learn the skills necessary to save lives. Urban H.A.R.T., Inc., there is no substitute for our intensive training methods.